Monday, March 29, 2010


I know, i know, it's been a while since i updated my blog! well, i am now, be proud! lol Time is just flying by, graduation is in less than 2 months, my cousins wedding and my other cousin's military graduation are in t-minus 1 month and counting taking the place of prom! i cant wait!!! I haven't seen my cousins or family in like a couple years, mainly because they live all the way across the u.s., in Oregon. I miss them so much!
God has been stirring! Can you feel it? I can. HE is stirring some big things in my heart but not only there but in my youth group, THE REALM, and in our church and in our city! God is so amazing, so BIG and powerful! i am CRAVING him more and more everyday! my soul dances and jumps when i hear His name! Lord, I ask that you send me out to be your hands and feet in our city! Help me to be more compassionate towards others! Upon hearing the messages at THE REALM, I feel myself sharing more about him and praying more to him throughout the day! I love HIM! like Matt said, I'm tired of just talking about Him, it's time to do something about it! It's time to get up and dance, cause we're free now, it's time to lift up our praise, and shout it out now!
Did I mention that I'm doing a boot camp? i don't think i did! Well i am, I'm trying to tone up and get in shape. If you read my past blogs, one of my goals is to run a marathon, not walk but run! As well as run a marathon, i want to join the Air Force, and if I'm going to be going to boot camp there, and should get a head start in working out. But at first, i was doing it for the wrong reasons, i have always felt like because I'm on the chunkier side, i don't have a boyfriend, that was always my excuse! So i joined boot camp hoping to shed those dreadful, unwanted pounds and did! But after that first boot camp, i felt so much better about myself! It feels so good to wake up early and work out hard every morning! I encourage everyone reading my blog to do a boot camp! =]
OK! Let's get down to the nitty gritty! As i was reading over my goals the other day, i realized that somethings were spelled wrong and some things didn't make since! So i am REVISING, as well as giving an update on them! Hope you like them!

1 Graduate High School with all A's - I'm at A's and B's right now, so its underway!
2 Join the Air Force - This won't be happening for a while, at least until i graduate college.
3 Stop biting my nails - this is going DREADFULLY slow! not good!But I'm working on it!
4 drop 20 lbs before April 2010
- Underway!
5 take a road trip without ANY preparations - I'm waiting on summer to roll around to do this!
6 go on a 1st date - well, there isn't much to say! I'm quite shy and focusing on Jesus right now.
7 enroll in college - I have yet to do so. Jesus is leading me!
8 go a whole month w/o checking facebook - i think I'll do this in April!
9 visit Germany and the Holocaust Museums - Not for a while!
10 go skydiving - That is going to be in June, anyone want to come?
11 become a better driver - hmmm.
12 go to an outrageous Christian Concert!! - i want to see Planetshakers live!
13 go to the dance club on my 18Th - i don't know if this will happen, but i hope so! It's a right of passage!
14 go to at least 9 of my brother's baseball games this spring - i currently have only been to 3!
15 play a great April fool's day prank- i need some help with this one! got any ideas?
16 fast for 30 days - hmm, still praying about it
17 lead a recycle revolution - i have no clue how to do this but I'm researching!
18 get a first kiss - did i mention i am quite shy?
19 write a book or autobiography, even though no one may ever read it - i think I'll let some more time go by to write this! i want it to be full of juicy details!
20 visit a foreign country, Mexico has already been tackled! - i will be visiting Argentina in June!
21 play the lottery(until I win) - this might actually take my entire lifetime times 3. But I'll give it a shot!
22 do a daily devotional - i am starting one soon!
23 go one month w/o purchasing from glam - i don't think this will ever be tackled. lol
24 watch my sister's keeper w/o crying- ACHIEVED! I didn't like the movie, the book was better...
25 continue to add to my savings account til it reaches $1,000 - this might actually be impossible for me, but so far there is $270. I'm working on it!
26 plant a large pot of flowers and maintain it over the spring and summer - is it OK if i claim the pots outside of glam? i think i will.
27 send hand written letters to my grand parents - this i am doing this week! hopefully!
28 get the biggest game of Bunny Bunny going and WIN!- I'm waiting on my two favorite people to come back home from world race to play, they are the ultimate players.
29 host a twilight marathon- i have to wait till all the movies come out!
30 pay for the person behind me in a drive thru - unsure when i will do this!
31 have a bonfire @ the end of the school year and roast marshmallows over our burning papers - hmmm.
32 buy a pair of Toms- unsure.
33 rap to a complete stranger - ill need to start writing what ill rap about here shortly.
34 have a valentine... -until next year....
35 walk up to dark tinted windows and check myself out....ha- just wait til i find one!
36 think of a very funny story to post on My Life Is Average- i thought about one but haven't posted.
37 get a hilarious license plate-i have to wait until my tag expires.
38 do a flash mob in a fancy restaurant - i need Dustin for this one. I'm thinking summer time!
39 go a whole day pretending to have the Force- that's looking an experiment one day this week!
40 find a funny suit and run down Woodruff road-this one is looking like another day this week!
41 play scrabble with an older man?-hmmm.
42 give a cute, yet random guy my number - yea, that shy thing comes to me every time!
43 run a marathon with Sophie and Hannah-once i get fit enough
44 drive carefully enough to never get pulled over-FAIL! i got pulled over the other day! oh speeding subconsciously!
45 go para sailing - I'll need a beach for this!
46 declare a major in my freshman year of college - I'm not quite there yet!
47 join a club in college - same as above
48 pray for and with a complete stranger - show me the one, Jesus!
49 go to Story Corps, in NYC. - when i get there.
50 Start a fist pump at prom2010 - i am no longer going. so Fail!
51 dress up everyday during spirit week - FAIL!
52 Ride the scariest roller coaster - where is this at?
53 successfully fast with the church- FAIL!
54 read the WHOLE New Testament in a month FAIL! I'm slowly getting there!
55 bring Bop It to Graduation - should i?
56 Watch a scary movie by myself- ACHIEVED! Sorority Row
57 go streaking...-haha!
58 go white water rafting-unsure when.
59 try a new kind of food (Thai, Korean)- maybe sometime this week
60 get a tattoo-when I'm 18
61 go hot air ballooning-when is freedom weekend aloft?
62 go bungee jumping off a bridge-hmm.
63 train my dog to shake- wish me luck!
64 record my accomplishments on a blog-ACHIEVING!
65 go on a ghost hunt or tour - Charleston here i come!
66 go down the Black Diamond trail, skiing - lets wait for snow!
67 learn to water ski and wake board - anyone have a boat?
68 cook intricate dinners for a week for my family - we'll see when this happens!
69 host a formal dinner for all my friends - maybe end of year plans
70 crash a wedding - this sounds like fun
71 learn to ride a unicycle - where can i get one of these?
72 learn to tango - Argentina.
73 make someone's wish come true- whats your wish?
74 take a hike - summer...
75 take a train some where random- there are no trains in greenville, sc
76 become a vegetarian for a week-ha. this will be hard
77 give some one a treat for stopping to help me on the side of the road, even though i don't need help. - hmm.
78 skip a day of school-I'm thinking next week! maybe not!
79 do something worthy enough to be on People of - I'm thinking this week as well!
80 do the dirty(dance move) during church- hmm. its got to be the right song!
81 wear one color head to toe - =]
82 win a game of phase 10, two times in a row-never will happen!
83 yell "i call the chubby one!" every time i see a group of guys-ACHIEVED!
84 ask a guy...out on a the movies - shy once again!
85 grab a stranger's butt-shy!
86 learn how to become a representative in the house for South Carolina-i like this!
87 Play Powder puff at my school-ACHIEVED!
88 become fluent in any language-I'm going to wait for college!
90 see john mayor live-when is he coming to SC?
91 try sushi - ashley is taking me!
92 try a new church- after easter!
93 go to the Ramp again over new years!!!!-new years hurry up!who wants to come?
94 encourage others to make a goals list!-did i encourage anybody?
95 dye my hair a different color, something fun, maybe purple?-i'm thinking sometime soon!
96 have an incredible senior prank-i dont know if this will happen!
97 get my cartilage pierced in my left ear!-18th hurry up!
98 don't pay with change for a year and when the year is up, count it and give it to charity!-i think ill start today!
99 go crazy with my make up for a month, no restrictions! that means crazy eyeshadow!-HAHA, I need to learn some stuff first!
100 win something on the radio!-ACHIEVED! i won tickets to a concert. aweosme.
101 start a new list after i achieve everything on this list!- well this one might take a while!

Hope you enjoyed my blog today! I'll be posting again shortly! With much love, Alexys :)

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